Sven Martin
VFX Supervisor and COO PIxomondo 

Lecture: the Dragons of Game of Thrones

Sven Martin is one of the great names of VFX. Entered the team of Pixomondo in 200 and implemented the pipeline of animation and character creation in the enterprise. With more than sixteen years of experience in the Visual effects industry, he has worked on many important productions like Star Trek-Into Darkness, The Amazing Spiderman, The Hunger Games, Hugo, Iron Man II and Super 8. He worked with great directors Germans as Leander Haußmann, Dieter Wedel, Joseph Vilsmaier and Philipp Stölzl, as well as international directors such as J.j. Abrams, Martin Scorsese, Lars von Trier, Roman Polanski, Jon Favreau, Zack Snyder and Steven Spielberg. The fotorealística animation for the acclaimed international series Game of Thrones earned two Emmy Award and three VES Awards. Recently received, for his work in the film the bridge of Spies (Bridge of Spies) by Steven Spielberg, an appointment in the VES Awards.