Next - VFXRio
👾🤖 Multiverse Experience by VFXRio ✨🚀😍
INDEX | LUNAPARK | NEXT | RoofTops | HQ | AfterParty
INDEX | LUNAPARK | NEXT | RoofTops | HQ | AfterParty
VFXRio Metaverse Next is an immersive experience that takes place in a large lounge decorated with NFT art, a Nike of Samothrace statue, and a robot Mary inspired by the movie Metropolis. It is a space for creative people to explore gamification and exchange ideas.
- click here to visit the Metaverse VFXRio Next on the platform -
If you are a creative person, VFXRio Metaverse Next is the ideal place for you to explore your ideas and exchange experiences with others in the field. Gamification is one of the main tools used in this space, which makes the experience even more fun and engaging.