Mike Sanders

Senior Visual Director - Activision Central Studios
Lecture: Activison Studios: Creating the new Call of Duty: Black Ops III and Guitar Hero Live

Mike Sanders is responsible for overseeing the innovation in art, animation and production for the franchise games Activision Studios. Previously, he was Director of Production for Industrial Light and Magic, collaborating with various segments of Disney as Lucasfilm, Pixar and Imagineering.


Mike is one of the entertainment industry's leading experts in advanced computer graphics technologies for movies and games. He has 20 years of experience in creating cutting-edge imaging for more than 80 major films and video games that have totaled more than $40 billion in worldwide ticket and product sales. Michael has worked with leading directors at all major studios. His work can be seen in such memorable films as the digital cast on Titanic, many of the effects in the prequels of Star Wars, the technology that launched Avatar, and the incredible characters in Pirates of the Caribbean for which he was nominated for the Academy Awards for Scientific achievement.