VFXRio News

🤖💫 🫶#repost: @cinodrome A texture concept illustration, material notes, and a mechanical detail study for the Jaeger, Cherno Alpha. Pacific Rim. 2012. (This project was a dream, if you had any doubt.) ... Ver maisVer menos
Aesthetics ✨ - repost: @mubi Drawing from Japanese iconoclast Yukio Mishima’s life and art, director Paul Schrader harmonizes a series of fractured sketches into this ravishing, expressionist elegy for violent transcendence. MISHIMA: A LIFE IN FOUR CHAPTERS is #NowStreaming on:🇧🇷 @mubibrasil🇮🇳 @mubiindia🇮🇹 @mubiitalia🇫🇷 @mubifrance🇦🇷🇨🇱🇨🇴🇲🇽🇵🇪 @mubilat🇳🇱 @mubinederland🇹🇷 @mubiturkiye ... Ver maisVer menos

A onipotência da máquina em Metropolis (1927) ⚙️✨ Um dos maiores exemplos de expressionismo alemão no cinema, essa cena usa chiaroscuro e composição monumental para mostrar o domínio da tecnologia sobre a humanidade. Um ícone visual que ainda inspira a estética cyberpunk e a reflexão sobre o futuro da IA. #cinemaexpressionista #metropolis1927 #arteetecnologia ... Ver maisVer menos

Metropolis?This model is a futuristic reimagining of Maria, the iconic Maschinenmensch from Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1927). Blending sleek robotic aesthetics with expressive movement, it embodies the fusion of past and future—where classic cinema’s vision of artificial intelligence meets the fluidity of modern digital sculpture.A tribute to one of the most influential sci-fi films ever made, this piece explores how AI and robotics continue to shape our artistic imagination.#Metropolis #MariaDroid #SciFiArt #DigitalSculpture #AIandArt #Futurism ... Ver maisVer menos
Ex Machina - 2014 #OscarIsaac said he based his characterization of Nathan on Bobby Fischer and #StanleyKubrick, who he sees as mysterious, elusive geniuses. The now iconic look of the latter also served as an inspiration for his beard.-In a 2016 interview, #AliciaVikander named this as her favorite film she’s been part of to date.-Its Academy Award win for Best Visual Effects was widely considered an upset, as most prognosticators considered it an outlier and Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015) was heavily favored to win. Most trade publications in their post-ceremony coverage theorized its unexpected win was caused by strong support from the acting wing of the Academy, given the performance-centric nature of the visual effects.•Ex Machina ... Ver maisVer menos
Celestia Borealis as real as it gets a multimodal multicasting production. #staytuned #digitalhumans #unreal #AI #GPT ... Ver maisVer menos

Stay tuned… Celestia Borealis a realtime hologram - powered by a multimodal multicasting production. ... Ver maisVer menos
Amazing 🤖 #Repost: @touristpictures F For Fake, 1973Directed by Orson Welles, François ReichenbachWritten by Orson Welles, Oja KodarExcerpt from the poem “The Conundrum of the Workshops” by Rudyard KiplingProduced by François Reichenbach, Dominique Antoine, Richard DrewettStarring Orson WellesCinematography by François Reichenbach, Gary GraverMusic by Michel LegrandDistributed by Planfilm Specialty FilmsMade with Firefly, Photoshop, Runway #ai ... Ver maisVer menos

Celestia Borealis is evolving. More than just an AI agent, she is a state-of-the-art hologram, redefining digital presence beyond conventional models. Our Multimodal Multicasting system now enables Celestia to express emotions in a remarkably natural way. This experiment integrates real-time interaction with Unreal Engine, allowing her to see us as we see her. A step closer to seamless digital-human communication.#seeyouseeme #celestiaborealis #hologram #multimodalmulticasting #unrealengine #AI #digitalhumans #visgraf #vfxrio Visgraf Lab VFXR.io OpenAI Microsoft Azure Meta Unreal Engine Unity Google DeepMind @lvelho Matteo Moriconi Jan Habib ... Ver maisVer menos
The surreal countdown by Celestia Borealis in Spanish challenging our logic #countdown ... Ver maisVer menos

Stay tuned! 🎯 @visgraflab Realistic Smiling Avatars, SIGGRAPH, and AsiaHallison Paz (IMPA)Quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2025, 13:30 - AUDITORIO 3In this talk, I will present the paper “The Teeth, the Lips, the Tip of the Tongue: LTT Tracking,” published at the recent SIGGRAPH Asia conference in Tokyo, Japan. This work is the result of a collaboration with Meta’s Codec Avatars team, from Pittsburgh (USA), where I worked as a Research Scientist Intern in 2022. Additionally, I will share my experiences attending SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 and reflect on my adventures exploring the other side of the world.Live@ www.youtube.com/live/BUq1oXYgYzs?si=wZI6_empv_POuC7w ... Ver maisVer menos
Real-Time Celestia Borealis a groundbreaking multicasting multimodal agent designed to engage seamlessly in conversations with both humans and non-humans, whether as an advanced AI or a lifelike hologram. @visgraflab @lvelho @matteo_moriconi @janhabib1111 ... Ver maisVer menos

Call to action. Starting the day with Celestia Borealis a SeeYouSeeMe experience and a multicasting multimodal research. We had the chance to talk about #Pelé #picasso #santosdumond #leonardodavinci and much more #staytuned for exciting news // Visgraf Lab @lvelho Matteo Moriconi Jan Habib ... Ver maisVer menos

🤖Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) a source of great inspiration combining creativity with rigorous mathematics to imagine something no one could - a machine capable of not just calculating numbers, but weaving patterns of thought, music and art. Her collaboration with Charles Babbage on the analytical engine laid groundwork for modern computing, and her visionary notes contained the first algorithm written for a machine - making her the world’s first computer programmer. What if Ada Lovelace walked among us today? #lovelace ... Ver maisVer menos

Celestia Borealis stands poised, a fusion of intellect and innovation, ready to transform data into dynamic action. #digitalhumans #multimodal ... Ver maisVer menos
Confira! Perguntamos à Celestia Borealis se ela sabia ou tinha ouvido algo sobre bananas. Celestia Borealis é uma criação que suporta várias camadas de pesquisa em andamento. Agora, ela é capaz de buscar dados em tempo real de qualquer lugar e elaborar insights com base em sua personalidade única e senso de humor.#AI #innovation #chatGPT #aiart #artificialintelligence #IoT @chatgpt @nvidia @d_id.ai @openai @groqinc ... Ver maisVer menos
🖖 November 16, 1977! Close Encounters of the Third Kind premieres in theaters!#closeencountersofthethirdkind #closeencounters #70smovies #70sscifi #StevenSpielberg #aliens #alienabduction #UFO #extraterrestrial #devilstower ... Ver maisVer menos

🤖🦉-> @visgraflab Steve Jobs and Aristotle come to life, powered by advanced multicasting technology. In this episode of AI Chronicles, watch as Steve Jobs interacts autonomously with Aristotle, bridging centuries of thought and innovation. Guided by human supervision, this simulation explores how artificial intelligence can recreate and connect the minds of the past with the pioneers of the modern era. #ai #chatgpt @chatgpt @microsoftazure @nvidia @unrealengine @googlebrasil #metahuman #cgi #vfx #llm @meta @openai #innovationWhat happens when two of history's greatest minds meet?In this episode of AI Chronicles, witness a groundbreaking interaction: Steve Jobs and Aristotle brought to life through advanced multicasting technology.Guided by human supervision, this simulation bridges centuries of thought and innovation.vfxrio.com.br/aichronicles/OpenAI Microsoft NVIDIA Unreal Engine Apple Visgraf ... Ver maisVer menos

🤖#repost: @impa_oficial A personificação dos sistemas de inteligência artificial (IA) e assistentes virtuais é tema do estudo do pesquisador do IMPA e líder do Visgraf Luiz Velho e do diretor do @vfxr.io Matteo Moriconi. 🤖🧠O estudo teve início no fim de 2023 e tem como principal objetivo a compreensão de forma mais profunda da interface do homem com a máquina e a evolução do ambiente digital.Neste momento, os pesquisadores estão em fase de divulgação dos resultados do trabalho. Para isso, está sendo realizada uma série de seis palestras disponível numa playlist no canal YouTube do Visgraf. 📱💻Além dos avanços nos serviços oferecidos pelas assistentes digitais, os pesquisadores discutem os impactos éticos e os riscos da aplicação dessa nova IA “mais inteligente”. 🚫Em uma palestra no final de setembro no IMPA, eles apresentaram testes com a Celestia Borealis (na imagem), robô experimental da pesquisa. 🤖🔗Leia mais no site. ... Ver maisVer menos
Art in the Age of AI Production: Expanding the Artistic Frontier 🎨Andy Warhol’s legacy is a testament to how each technological shift redefines art. Just as mechanical reproduction blurred lines between high art and mass culture, AI production is now expanding these boundaries further. This isn’t simply about new tools or techniques; it’s about a profound transformation in how we create and perceive art. From photography to pop art, each era has introduced methods that challenge traditional notions of authenticity, aura, and authorship. AI takes this further by making algorithms part of the creative process, turning data into an artistic medium.The continuous movement of art has always incorporated new technologies, each offering a fresh lens through which to explore humanity. Today, AI is not replacing the artist but providing a platform to question and expand the creative process itself. In a way, this era asks us to reconsider what it means for art to have presence and originality in a world where machines generate imagery.We stand at a moment where the boundaries of art are being redrawn, echoing the perpetual evolution that has defined centuries of creativity. AI doesn’t signal the end of this journey; it is simply the latest movement in the ever-unfolding history of artistic expression.#ArtHistory #AIArt #ContinuingArt #ArtAndTechnology #CreativityRedefined. ... Ver maisVer menos